Undertale Wiki

Vegetoid (ˈvɛ.dʒɨ.ˌtɔɪd/) is a species of monster encountered in the Ruins. Its Hard Mode counterpart is Parsnik.



Vegetoid appears to be a large carrot with a face that covers its entire front. Apparent by its overworld sprite, its color is also consistent to that of a carrot. Its expression is always that of a wide smile with overjoyed eyes.


Vegetoid's main purpose is to encourage the protagonist to eat their vegetables. It often says things supporting this, mainly "Eat Your Greens."

In Battle

Appears With

  • Vegetoid
  • Migosp
  • Loox


  • Vegetoid makes various vegetables fall from the top of the Bullet Board, which bounce when they touch the bottom of the board.
  • Vegetoid makes carrots fall from the top of the board vertically, which disappears when they touch the bottom of the board.


  • Choosing "Dinner" causes it to make one of its usual attacks, with one of the bullets colored green. Touching green bullets heal 1 HP and allow the protagonist to spare Vegetoid.
  • Choosing "Devour" when Vegetoid is ready to be spared heals 5 HP and ends the fight. Devouring Vegetoid does not appear to show the "Your HP was maxed out" message, even if it restores the protagonist's full HP.
    • In the demo, Vegetoid would be eaten whole and considered killed, giving the protagonist EXP. Because of this, the only way to do a successful Pacifist Run in the demo would be to flee from Vegetoid. In the final game, only a single bite is taken, which does not count as killing no matter how low the enemy's HP is.


  • Farmed Locally, Very Locally [Neutral]
  • Part Of A Complete Breakfast [Neutral]
  • Fresh Morning Taste [Neutral]
  • Contains Vitamin A [Neutral]
  • Plants Cant Talk Dummy [Talk]
  • Eat Your Greens [Dinner]
  • Ate Your Greens [After Dinner]

Flavor Text

  • Serving Size: 1 Monster. Not monitored by the USDA. [Check]
  • Vegetoid came out of the earth! [Encounter / Encounter with Migosp]
  • A pair of Vegetoids came out of the ground! [Encounter with another Vegetoid]
  • Vegetoid and Loox attacked! [Encounter with Loox]
  • Loox and co. decided to pick on you! [Encounter with Loox and Migosp]
  • Vegetoid cackles softly. [Neutral]
  • Vegetoid's here for your health. [Neutral]
  • Vegetoid gave a mysterious smile. [Neutral]
  • It smells like steamed carrots and peas. [Neutral]
  • You pat your stomach. Vegetoid offers a healthy meal. [Dinner]
  • You tried to eat Vegetoid, but it wasn't weakened enough. [Devour]
  • You took a bite out of Vegetoid. You recovered 5 HP! [Devour, less than half HP]
  • Vegetoid seems kind of bruised. [Low HP]


  • Vegetoid is one of the few monsters who rewards more Gold if it is spared instead of killed.
主要角色 花花TorielSansPapyrusUndyneAlphysMettatonAsgoreFriskChara
廢墟的敵人 假人 (Dummy) ● 青蟈 (Froggit) ● 胡思 (Whimsun) ● 小霉 (Moldsmal) ● 獨眼 (Loox) ● 菜菜 (Vegetoid) ● 否音(Migosp) ● Napstablook歐防風 (Parsnik) (困難模式) ● 霉德莎 (Moldessa) (困難模式) ● 弗音 (Migospel) (困難模式)
雪町的敵人 雪鴨 (Snowdrake) ● 寒鴨 (Chilldrake) ● 冰帽 (Ice Cap) ● 禮鹿 (Gyftrot) ● 躲狗 (Doggo) ● 公狗狗和母狗狗 (Dogamy and Dogaressa) ● 小狗狗 (Lesser Dog) ● 大狗狗 (Greater Dog) ● 傑利(Jerry) ● 老滑頭 (Glyde) ● 憤怒喵喵 (Mad Mew Mew)
瀑布的敵人 亞倫 (Aaron) ● 大霉 (Moldbygg) ● 約涮 (Woshua) ● 提米 (Timmie) ● 憤怒假人 (Mad Dummy) ● 羞壬 (Shyren)
熱地的敵人 火金 (Vulkin) ● 傲嬌飛機 (Tsunderplane) ● 火榴繩 (Pyrope) ● 瑪菲特 (Muffet) ● 皇家衛兵 (Royal Guards) ● 真抱歉 (So Sorry)
核心的敵人 終極青蟈 (Final Froggit) ● 胡思亂想 (Whimsalot) ● 散光 (Astigmatism) ● 怒法 (Madjick) ● 夜騎 (Knight Knight)
合成怪物 記憶之首 (Memoryhead) ● 內狌 (Endogeny) ● 收割鳥 (Reaper Bird) ● 檸檬麵包 (Lemon Bread) ● 雪鴨的母親 (Snowdrake's Mother)
攤販、商人 棒淇淋店員 (Nice Cream Guy) ● 雪町店長 (Snowdin Shopkeeper) ● 格爾森 (Gerson) ● 提米商店 (Tem Shop) ● 鱷鱷和貓貓 (Bratty and Catty) ● 漢堡褲 (Burgerpants)
其他角色 其他NPC怪物小孩 (Monster Kid) ● 煩人的狗 (Annoying Dog) ● 河流人 (River Person) ● 八名人類 (Eight Humans) ● Asriel DreemurrW. D. Gaster