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- Sans, 在開始戰鬥之前

"MEGALOVANIA" (/ˌmɛ.gʌ.loʊ.ˈveɪ.niː.ə/)是 Undertale原聲帶專輯中的第一百首. 它在屠杀线与sans进行最终决战时播放,它也拥有的节奏步调非常快.


"Megalovania" was originally composed for 托比‧福克斯(Toby Fox)'s hack of EarthBound known as "Radiation's Halloween Hack" which was a submission to Starmen.Net's 2008 Halloween Funfest.[1][2][3]

"Radiation's Halloween Hack" was about an alternate universe of EarthBound where the chosen four never returned, or simply put "bad rom hack with swears".[4] According to "The Making of Radiation's Halloween Hack", the track "Megalomania" from Live A Live was originally planned to be used as the game's final boss theme instead. Toby Fox never got around to it, so he yelled whatever he felt like into a microphone, copied it down, and created "Megalovania."[5] Toby Fox has also hinted that Megalovania was also inspired by "Gadobadorrer" from Brandish 2: The Planet Buster, where the hack's protagonist originated from.[6]

This song would later be reused for the webcomic, Homestuck, as "MeGaLoVania" on the Homestuck Vol. 6: Heir Transparent album with guitars from Joren "Tensei" de Bruin. This version makes a brief appearance in the Trickster Mode of "[S] Past Karkat: Wake up." and then makes a full appearance in "[S] Wake." This track's lietmotif can also be heard in the AlterniaBound bonus track, "The Blind Prophet", another track by Toby Fox.


  • The word "Megalovania" is a combination of "Megalomania" and "Transylvania".
    • "Megalomania" is the boss theme from the game Live A Live, which served as an inspiration for "Megalovania". Though Megalovania doesn't directly quote Megalomania's melody, it has a similar feeling and structure. In real life, megalomania is the delusion of being vastly more important and powerful than one really is.
    • The word Transylvania was jammed into the name to give it a feeling reminiscent of Halloween.[7]
  • 在粉丝圈中有一个关于MEGALOVANIA的非常流行的理论,这首曲子属于 Player/Chara/Frisk,而并不属于sans, 相应的,并不是你在打sans,而是sans在打你. 以下是证据:
    • sans拥有先手攻击的权利, 能够闪避攻击, 而且能够对被劝服而毫无防备的主角进行背叛杀 , 而在rpg这个游戏概念中,这些都是“勇者”所拥有的特权,而非“怪物”和“魔王”
    • 当别的角色的战斗曲都包含有他们日常曲子的一些步调,节奏和旋律时,MEGALOVANIA 没有任何sans的日常曲子中的任何步调,节奏和旋律,比如 "sans.", "It's Raining Somewhere Else"和未使用的 "Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans"而且就算MEGALOVANIA这首曲子第一次播放,你也不能立刻听出这首属于sans. 而且Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans这首曲子的名字也符合这样的观点,是sans在打你,反之则亦然。
  • According to an interview with 托比‧福克斯(Toby Fox), this was one of the six songs originally composed for other projects. The other five were "Fallen Down", "Heartache", "Nyeh Heh Heh!", "Bonetrousle", and "Another Medium".[9]
  • Toby Fox has composed a 'sequel' to Megalovania dubbed "Megalo Strike Back" which was composed for the I Miss You - EarthBound 2012 album.
  • Toby Fox has stated that the version found in the fangame, "Cognitive Dissonance" or "CogDis", was not made by him.[10]
  • This song may be the most popular among fans. An explanation might include its use in the aforementioned media combining the mainstream acclaim of Undertale.
  • The original version of Megalovania was in the key of A minor, whereas the version found in Undertale is a pitched up, slightly faster and modified version in the key of D minor.


  1. "Okay, finally finished. After wayyy over 140 hours (I spent hours every day since 9-12, yeah some days I didn’t do stuff but some days I was up until 12 since after school) I have finished my hack. Eeeeek." - Toby Fox. November 1, 2008. Starmen.Net.
  2. "This is the censored version of my hack. Technically they are exactly the same except for some swears near the end, but if you don't mind or are judging, I highly suggest you play the version provided at the following URL: http://forum.starmen.net/forum_attachments/0007/0301/radiationhalloweenhack.zip Otherwise, this hack is NOT appropriate for you." - Toby Fox. November 6, 2008. Starmen.Net. Halloween Funfest 2008.
  3. "Today is Halloween, so it’s a good time to post some Halloweeny stuff! So my obvious choice was Radiation’s Halloween hack of EarthBound from last year." - Mato. October 31, 2009. EarthBound Central.
  4. "I guess I should just accept "bad rom hack with swears" as part of my eternal legacy" - Toby Fox. February 9, 2016. Twitter.
  5. "This is it, the final boss theme. I wanted to put Live A Live's Megalomania in here but I didn't get to so I made my own last boss song. I pretty much just yelled whatever I felt like into a mike and copied it down. Yep. Took forever, but it was superkickass-worth-it. Total embodiment of final bossitude." - Toby Fox. The Making of Radiation's Halloween Hack.
  6. "also, the last boss music was a little inspired by brandish 2's, see if you can catch the similarities" - Toby Fox. The Making of Radiation's Halloween Hack.
  7. "Namewise yes, it is a direct reference to Megalomania from Live A Live. I've seen a few people pick up on that because that's cool. The chords are kind of similar but I wouldn't say it's a huge inspiration for the COMPOSITION of the song itself but it's TOTALLY attempting to be the kind of a badass song that might be suitable for a similar purpose. A little more in-depth: I originally made it for that Halloween EarthBound hack forever ago (and by forever ago I mean "back in high school") and people were ripping the song themselves from the game. I felt like maybe I should do a semi-official release ripped straight from the music editor program (the song actually lags in-game). I realized the song didn't have a name, so I took the inspiration for the track and the whole idea of the final battle (Megalomania) and just slammed some Halloweeniness into it (transylVANIA) and boom Megalovania."- Toby Fox. January 7, 2011. MSPA Forums.
  8. "mom: "So the song that everyone likes... Megalavegala or whatever?"" - Toby Fox. October 22, 2015. Twitter.
  9. "There’s an arrangement of a song from a previous project here, as well. People are well aware of this one." - Toby Fox. October 10, 2015. Existential Gamer.
  10. "the version of megalovania in cognitive dissonance is not by me it's a fansong (?) by this guy:" - Toby Fox. September 22, 2015. Twitter.
Undertale 原聲帶
1 - 10 很久很久以前開始目錄你最好的朋友墜落廢墟
11 - 20 決心家(音樂盒)心痛sans.
21 - 30 狗狗的歌雪町商店散架約會開始!
31 - 40 瀑布快跑!寧靜之水回憶
41 - 50 放鬆一下閃電蝸牛提米村莊提米商店嗯嘎啊啊啊!!
51 - 60 另一種媒介嗚哇!!好熱喔!!♫更強的怪物飯店
61 - 70 喔!我的真愛喔!牢獄某處正在下雨接近核心核心
71 - 80 Undertale與Sans戰鬥時可能會播放的歌選擇微微吃驚屏障
81 - 90 一個結局她正在彈鋼琴我們到了融合物墜落(重奏版)
91 - 101 最後的力量重逢開始目錄(完整版)稍作休憩炒熱氣氛吧,各位!